PMB Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
Ostendstrasse 25
12459 Berlin
49 (0)30 555 782 39 0
Fax: 49 (0)30 555 782 39 9
Registration court: Charlottenburg District Court, Berlin
Registernummer: HRA 58144 B
Personally liable partner of PMB Consulting GmbH and Co. KG:
PMB Administration GmbH
Managing Directors: Hans-Peter Brinck, Michel Stephan Brinck
Registration court: Charlottenburg District Court, Berlin
Registration number: HRB 224828 B
Disclaimer: We assume no responsibility or liability for the information on this website. Our goal is to provide current and accurate information. However, there can be no guarantee that the information available on this website is current, comprehensive, complete or accurate. The information provided is of a general nature and is not tailored to the specific needs of any specific person or company. In particular, they are not intended to provide advice. If this website refers to other websites, we cannot influence their content and cannot assume any responsibility for them.